O.J.SIMPSON: De MVP da NFL à Réu em Júri Midiático, a Carreira Dele no Cinema

Orentahl James Simpson, o O.J.Simpson, morreu ontem aos 76 anos.

Na década de 70, como astro da NFL ele era o Pelé da bola oval. Craque do Buffalo Bills, bateu todos os recordes de sua época, mas nunca venceu ou sequer jogou um Super Bowl.

Quando terminou sua carreira, a fama naturalmente o levou a Hollywood.

Em INFERNO NA TORRE, de John Guillermin e Irwin Allen, um dos mais célebres filmes desastre da história ele era o chefe de segurança do prédio incendiado. Em CAPRICORN ONE, ele era um dos astronautas envolvidos em uma fraude do governo americano, Também trabalhou em ELITE DE ASSASSINOS, thriller com Telly Savalas e O EXPRESSO DE CASSANDRA.

Quanto migrou para a comédia, encontrou mais sucesso. Os filmes da franquia CORRA QUE A POLÍCIA VEM AÍ (THE NAKED GUN), ao lado de Leslie Nielsen e George Kennedy foram um achado para Simpson. O personagem de Nordberg – um policial todo errado que vira vítima das trapalhadas de Frank Drebin, proporcionou muitas cenas clássicas do humor.

Em 1992, chocou o mundo ao ser acusado e preso pelo assassinato de sua mulher Nicole Brown Simpson e o namorado dela. Foi o julgamento do século. Fenômeno de mídia, durante anos ocupou as TVs americanas.

O caso gerou inúmeros documentários, inclusive o premiado O.J. MADE IN AMERICA, com 7 horas de duração, o filme mais longo a ser premiado com o Oscar. O prêmio de melhor documentário deu notoriedade ainda maior ao filme, disponível nos sérvios de streaming.

A morte de O.J.Simpson encerra (ou não) uma das histórias mais famosas (e tristes) do show business americano.

Orentahl James Simpson, known as O.J.Simpson, died yesterday at the age of 76.

In the 70s, as an NFL star he was the Pelé of the oval ball. A star player for the Buffalo Bills, he broke all the records of his time, but never won or even played in a Super Bowl.

When he finished his career, fame naturally led him to Hollywood.

In THE TOWERING INFERNO, by John Guillermin and Irwin Allen, one of the most famous disaster films in history, he was the head of security in the burned building. In CAPRICORN ONE, he was one of the astronauts involved in an American government fraud. He also worked on KILLER ELITE, a thriller with Telly Savalas and CASSANDRA’S CROSSING.

As he transitioned into comedy, he found more success. The films in the franchise THE NAKED GUN, alongside Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy were a hit for Simpson. Nordberg’s character – a wrong-headed police officer who becomes the victim of Frank Drebin’s mischief, provided many classic humorous scenes.

In 1992, he shocked the world when he was accused and arrested for the murder of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her boyfriend. It was the trial of the century. A media phenomenon, it occupied American TV channels for years.

The case generated numerous documentaries, including the award-winning O.J. MADE IN AMERICA, which lasts 7 hours, the longest film to be awarded an Oscar. The award for best documentary gave even greater notoriety to the film, available on Serbian streaming services.

The death of O.J.Simpson ends (or not) one of the most famous (and saddest) stories in American show business.

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